Salmon River Fly Fishing Pulaski NY.
Enjoy my Salmon River Fly Fishing Pulaski NY 20 lb. Steelhead, GRAND SLAM and Fun Fly Fishing Story.
GRAND SLAM Photo Collage – Salmon River Fly Fishing one day in the Fall for King Salmon, Coho Salmon, Steelhead and Brown Trout in Pulaski NY.
Jeff Pierce hit a “Rare” fly fishing Grand Slam on the day this Steelhead photo was taken.
Grand Slam = All by yourself in a single day. You land a Salmon River Brown Trout, Steelhead, Coho Salmon and King Salmon in Pulaski NY.
Not easy to do, but FUN Salmon River fly fishing to try!
Sorry, your WORLD RECORD TROPHY Suckers don’t count.
Jeff also would have had a NEW Salmon River fly fishing line class record for this 22 pd. Coho Salmon he landed. But didn’t have his I.G.F.A. hand book with him to know it qualified.
There is no HO like a Coho!
Another small 21 lb. Coho Salmon landed by Jeff on this day.
(average 8 to 12 lb’s.)
I think I need a Bigger Net!!
Group Salmon River fly fishing photo of Gier, Bob and Jeff with a Big Coho Salmon. Congrats!
Today was one of those Magical Days we all wish and fly fish for. BIG RUN of Coho Salmon and King Salmon, with a few Steelhead and Brown Trout in the mix.
Holiday Salmon River Fly Fishing in Pulaski NY.
For me, certain fly fishing days stand out among other’s on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. Sometimes its the big fish, numbers of fish or the camaraderie we share. Today was different, it was not about numbers or size. But mostly about dad sharing his love for the great outdoors with his son.By Mike Cavanaugh. (Mike works in DEC’s Division of Public Affairs and Education.)
Thomas looked a little puzzled as he picked the brightly wrapped package from under the tree It wasn’t heavy, it didn’t rattle or anything. In fact, it felt like an empty box. A cruel trick to play on a 12-year old boy. But the sudden appearance of cameras as he unwrapped it meant that this would be something special. He was even more perplexed, however. When the box contained only a single fishing fly and a note that said January 5th.
Salmon River Fly Fishing Pulaski NY for Steelhead in January?
The drive up to the Salmon River in Pulaski NY was filled with fly fishing questions. What kind of fish will we be after? What’s a steelhead? How will we get to the Salmon River in all the snow? What’s a drift boat? What if I get cold? Why are we going with a fly fishing guide, Dad?
The answer to the last fishing question really shed light on all the others. My experience with winter steelhead fishing was limited, to say the least. A Salmon River fly fishing guide would help us be safe and comfortable. And most of all, he’d share his knowledge on the river. After a quick dinner in Pulaski NY, we settled in.
I had met Randy Jones at an outdoor show the previous spring. While helping with the fly casting demonstrations near Randy’s booth.
After a few friendly exchanges about my fly fishing technique, or lack thereof. We started talking about Salmon River fly fishing for steelhead in Pulaski NY.
This guy seemed to have a compatible personality. The right approach to steelhead fishing and a good attitude about protection of the resource. And ethical behavior on the Salmon River. All important fishing considerations that I wanted to share with my son. More importantly, he really seemed to enjoy what he did, a quality I’ve found to be contagious. I had wanted to get Thomas out fly fishing during the winter run of steelhead on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. But had never ventured into the cold and ice to try. A chat with Randy made up my mind.
That night, I dreamt of dancing steelhead and the excited smiles of a boy who is growing up too quickly. We hopped out of bed in the pre-dawn darkness. To find 4 inches of fresh snow and a temperature of about 20 degrees. Promptly at 6 AM, Randy, with his drift boat in tow, pulled up. We got Thomas outfitted with some 5 mm Neoprene waders, korkers (safety spikes for the slippery bottom.) And grabbed a bite to eat on our way to the drift boat launch in Altmar. Just downstream from the DEC’s Salmon River NY fish Hatchery.
Before launching the drift boat, Randy and I talked about my steelhead fly fishing objectives for the day.
I told Randy that this was Thomas’s fishing trip and, with that in mind. To devote most of his attention to making sure my son learned a bit of steelhead fly fishing technique. And how to be a courteous and ethical angler. While catching a steelhead was important, a good day on the water was the goal.
Riding in the big fishing drift boat was quite an experience for both of us on the Salmon River.
Randy steered us around some rocks; we bumped over others. The fresh snow, combined with the steam rising off the Salmon River. And the bright gray of January overcast made it a surreal picture. Other anglers shivered in their waders. As we drifted past and warmed our hands in the red glow of the propane heater on the drift boat. While drifting Randy spoke to Thomas about his experiences fishing the Salmon River and his love of fishing.
We drifted for a few minutes and landed at a fishing hole just upstream from the popular trestle pool. We got out of the drift boat and waded into the icy Salmon River water. There were a few other anglers and some real promising steelhead fly fishing water.
The promise was kept within a few fly fishing minutes. As Thomas hooked into a large and very energetic Salmon River steelhead.
I put down my fly rod, picked up the camera. And enjoyed watching my son get dragged around 100 yards of Salmon River steelhead real estate. With Randy running close behind! The big steelhead was netted and Thomas got a close look at a 16-pound silver beauty. High-fives all around, a picture or two from the proud dad. And the steelhead was released back into the Salmon River unharmed to hopefully brighten the day of another fly fishing angler.
As we drifted and fished for the rest of the day, we learned about the Salmon River. We visited with other fishing anglers, we talked about the steelhead we were seeing, we had a lot of laughs. And, oh, by the way, Thomas caught another steelhead or two. Randy felt bad that the “old man” hadn’t caught any steelhead, but I assured him it didn’t matter.
After all, that wasn’t the objective of the trip.
Just look at that smile!
Advanced Wind and Casting Aid’s while fly fishing. By Randy Jones.
1. When fly fishing and the wind is blow’n hard on your casting arm, wanting to blow the hook into your face.
All we do is turn around and cast on our back cast. Whether in a boat, wade, blind or sight fishing. This casting technique should be practiced until you become proficient at it. It’s as simple as spreading soft but’a on a warm muff’n.
Before long you will throw it as far or close to it as you presently are on your forward cast. All your doing is letting it go on your back cast instead of your forward. Your forearm makes the exact same motion going forward as it does back when fly fishing. The trick is to train your forearm to make that “power stroke” quick and fast (when going back) enough to load the rod and keep a tight loop. Practicing this makes all your back cast’s better!
2. The “Double Haul” is another valuable fly casting aid I would try to learn if you enjoy fly fishing. Once learned it’s easy stuff. You can do it with your eyes closed and you’ll catch more fish. It helps you in all aspect’s of fly casting. With out getting to deeply into the D.H. I start my haul at the exact moment and time I initiate my power stroke, hauling 6-10 inch’s on both the forward and back. There is a lot more to this fly casting aid, but that’s another Salmon River fly fishing article all together.
3. Next time your fly fishing and you have a strong wind at your back, let the wind make the cast for you. I’ll 100% guarantee you if done correctly, you will add another 20 feet or more to your cast’s. I’ve taken folks through the Orvis Fly Fishing School who in NO wind could cast it 40-60 feet, then put them with a strong wind at there back. Helped teach them how to throw it UP into the sky and let the wind take it out 80 feet. Amazing!
I swear many fly fishing anglers are amazed at the distance they can achieve once this sky writing technique is learned. Lefty Krey said something about stabbing-jabbing the sky with the tip of your rod during the power stroke. You accomplish 2 things.
A tight loop and the fly line always goes in the direction you accelerate and stop the rod tip. So with a quick stabbing motion upwards, you are throwing the fly line up into the air. Leaving it for the wind to take it along for a looooooong ride. It’s fun to teach and watch the reaction of my fly fishing guest’s when they get it.
4. Obviously, tight loop’s (3-4 feet) are your goal on both your forward and back cast for over all fly casting. Look at your back cast once in a while to make sure your loop’s are tight. Many angler’s only perfect their forward cast and sometimes forget about the importance of the back. The back cast set’s up the forward and is the most important when fly fishing.
I used to practice a tight loop by standing on the grass, floating line so I could see it real good and make sure I had a strong 30 knot wind at my back. With a strong wind at your back, you are forced to throw a tight loop on the back or it fall’s apart and with the bright floating line it should make it easy to see. Your goal is to train your arm.
Remember – The distance the rod tip travel’s during the power stroke, combined with a complete stop of the rod, is solely responsible for the size of your loop. Nothing else. The shorter the distance the rod tip travels during the power stroke, the tighter the loop. With a very strong wind at your back, you will be forced to make this speed up and stop (power stroke). Faster and over a shorter distance to keep, maintain and consistently throw a tight loop on your back cast. And have the fly line completely straighten out into the wind by 60 feet. 60 feet is about the maximum you can hope for in this type of wind.
The Wind was my BEST TEACHER EVER! When I did it wrong, the results were immediate with the line blowing back at me or not fully extending. Now, combine a 30 knot wind at your back and throw a tight loop fully extending behind you and then jab the sky with your rod on the forward, throwing your line up into the wind. WOW! You just made a 100 foot cast! Ye-Haa!
Now, with the same wind, cast into it on your forward cast, repeating the above. 60 feet should be your goal. Even if one lil part of your cast isn’t perfect, the wind will tell you. I like the wind, because it tells me if I need to make any improvement’s.
Perfecting this with a strong wind will only make you a stronger fly caster when there is no wind. Instead of you casting 60 feet, now you’ll be throwing it 80 feet consistently! Ya-HOO!
How important is color, shape, size, silhouette, action, density of your Steelhead fly?
Sometimes its the Most Important when Salmon River Spin – Fly Fishing.
Prime Example: Randy, My girlfriend gave me 2 days of Salmon River fly fishing for steelhead in late Dec. for my Christmas present. You weren’t available so I fished with another guide for two days and floated the Salmon River both days. The first morning was VERY slow, one steelhead hit on a chartreuse egg pattern, that’s it. After exhausting his choices of flies, and having no hits in the last two hours, I pulled out one of your flies that we had used on a previous Salmon River fly fishing trip together.
FIRST CAST – A steelhead SLAMMMED IT!!!!! And using your fly the rest of the day – 7 more Salmon River Steelhead ON!!! A day when it appeared that the 10% fly pattern variable was 100% necessary for success when using the dead drift nymphing technique you taught me 2 years ago on the Salmon River. Cheers Don – P.S. We fished with your fly patterns in sizes 8 and 10. Simple and DEADLY effective on a dead drift.
Another Salmon River fly Testimonial: Randy, Thanks for the advice on flies. I had good luck fly fishing last week on the Salmon River with your fly pattern. Ben
Folks, I’ll always go over with you exactly what fly to use, when and how to tie them, if that’s your cup of tea. Care to increase your Salmon River fly fishing steelhead catch rate?
Thumbs up from this Salmon River Fly fishing Guide with a Very Happy Steelhead Fly Fishing Guest.
The Steelhead and Salmon fly fishing of your dreams…… ………… we’ll mak’m reeeeeeeeeeeeeel
The Salmon River, where Memories are Made!
Join me for a guided drift boat fly fishing trip on the World Renowned Salmon River in Pulaski NY for hard fighting Salmon or Steelhead during our Fall, Winter and Spring seasons. Enjoy learning Advanced fly fishing techniques and Exact fish habitats. I always enjoy sharing my wealth of fly fishing knowledge with all my guest’s.
Randy Jones is a full-time professional Spin and Fly fishing guide with over 35 years of experience.
E-mail: [email protected] – Phone #315-963-2065 – Booking Form on here.
$350 for 1 angler – Spin or Fly Fishing, Salmon or Steelhead, I supply everything but the chest waders.
$450 for 2 anglers – Fly or Spin Fishing, Salmon or Steelhead, I supply everything but the chest waders.
All Spin fishing equipment – All Orvis fly fishing equipment – All tackle provided. Please bring your own Lunch, Polarized Glass’s and Chest Waders.
Author Biography – Established in 1980.
Randy Jones is the Owner, Author and Publisher of A Salmon River Guide based Service and Marketing Agency. Specializing in Expert Salmon and Steelhead fishing – Professional sales and marketing of his vastly successful Salmon River Guide fishing business and local fishery – SEO and Social Media.
Distributed World Wide Books: Simon Gawesworth, Spey Casting, First and also Second Editions. Rich Murphy, Fly Fishing for Striped Bass.
Covers, feature articles and guide profiles: Saltwater Fly Fishing Magazine, Fly Fishing in Saltwater Magazine, Albany, Syracuse, Utica and N.Y. Times Newspapers, N.Y. Sportsmen, N.Y. Fishing and Hunting and Salmon River Success Magazines.
Many World Wide Internet Fishing Sites and News Feeds.
Paid featured guest speaker at numerous Sports Shows, Fresh and Saltwater fishing.
Guest speaker at most Trout Unlimited Chapters, fly tying, tackle and Orvis shops around New England and beyond.
Represented the Orvis Corporation as a guide and chief instructor of their 2 1/2 day Cape Cod Saltwater Fly fishing Schools.
(P.S. I don’t discriminate. I also enjoy guiding you spin anglers too! – yukyuk)
Randy Jones, 87 Clark Rd., Mexico, NY 13114.