Salmon River Steelhead fishing report Pulaski NY.
Enjoy my Salmon River fishing report from Pulaski NY for Steelhead, King Salmon, Coho Salmon and Brown Trout. With Current Steelhead Fishing Conditions, Local fishing News, Fishing Videos, Fishing Articles and Tips. For Salmon River Steelhead Float fishing, spin fishing and fly fishing Pulaski NY.
I hope you find my Salmon River Steelhead fishing report from Pulaski NY entertainingly informative.
The Steelhead and Salmon Fishing of your Dreams…. ….We’ll Mak’m Reeeeel. Best fish’s, Randy.
I’m happy to report, now is one of the Best Times for Salmon River Steelhead fishing in Pulaski NY.
Fresh Steelhead continue to enter and run the Salmon River daily. 80% Older and 20% fresher Steelhead Top to Bottom of the Salmon River. Always a chance for a Trophy Brown Trout. The Pools are fishing best!
Noticing 1/2 to 3/4 less drift boats and Steelhead anglers fishing mid-week. Offering you greater Salmon River Steelhead fishing opportunities. Plenty of prime Steelhead spots open to fish that are holding your Chrome!
As Usual – Steelhead fishing has been sloow, so-so, ok to good. With a few anglers hitting it just right with AMAZING results! The Best Salmon River Steelhead fishing has happened when you find a pod of’m. Suggest covering your water thoroughly in the better spots and then move to the next.
Never know, that next BIG pod of Steelhead might just be around the next bend of the Salmon River, where memories are made.
When is the BEST Time to fish for Salmon River Steelhead in Pulaski NY?
In Dec. we see even MORE Steelhead and less Salmon River anglers.
Most folks are doing business and family holiday stuff.
And its a lil colder = Less anglers = more Steelhead opportunity for you.
One of the Best Times for Steelhead fishing the Salmon River Pulaski NY.
Winter into Spring Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Pulaski NY Prime Time.
March and all of April is “Prime Time” for steelhead fishing on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY.
March – There are not only leftover Winter Salmon River steelhead, but also fresh runs of Spring time Steelhead you can fish for in Pulaski NY.
March into All of April – You will see a transition of Salmon River NY Steelhead from the holes onto the gravel, where they will spawn. They will then turn into drop-back Steelhead. The Steelhead’s appetites are on fire as they slowly drop back down the Salmon River thru Pulaski NY into Lake Ontario.
For MORE – Salmon River Steelhead and Salmon Fishing Pulaski NY.
Randy Jones is a Pro. fishing guide w/35 yrs. EXP.
Salmon River Steelhead Guide Drift Boat Rates for 1 person $350. Rates for 2 people $450.
Included in Guide Rates – All Steelhead Spin and Fly fishing equipment, gear and tackle.
(2 person Max. on boat. Steelhead Trips are 8 hours from the time we meet).
BOOK Your Steelhead Fishing Trip – With Additional Steelhead Booking Info.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-315-963-2065 CLICK TO CALL.
Randy Jones, 87 Clark Rd., Mexico, NY 13114.
Enjoy my Salmon River Humor, Tips, Fun Fishing Story and “The Life of a Successful Salmon River Guide.” (might surprise you?)
Ron’s Amazing story of Battling a WORLD RECORD Salmon River MONST’A STEELHEAD!
Now just so all stories are told – “got one…think it’s foul hooked…(reeling in)…(feel couple of tugs)…wait a sec, this Steelhead might be hooked right…coming right to the drift boat…feeling a little tired but still waggin’ a little in the Salmon River current. I keep my rod tip low and pull back, reel down. This WORLD RECORD MONST’A STEELHEAD could be sluggish due to the cold water temp’s?
(Randy ready with net)…coming up, coming up…(Randy has net in water)…(Ron lifts rod to bring sluggish fish up into net) …comin’ up…and……and… it’s about now Randy starts laughing so hard he almost falls out of the boat. I don’t care what he thinks, i’m thinking of getting it mounted as well…. Randy, all to happy to share my fishing report “catch” with everyone within ear shot of the Salmon River.
Ahhhh the joys of Steelhead fishing – wouldn’t miss them for a sec!!!
Ever Jinxed yourself while Steelhead fishing?
Here are a couple of mine.
1 – Getting the camera out, before Steelhead is landed, losing fish.
2 – Saying the words Wind, Rain, Sleet or Snow when you are out Steelhead fishing. Normally within 5 minutes it comes true.
The other day one of my guest’s said the words Wind, Sleet and Snow in a sentence (as I cringed). And 30 seconds later it started sleeting and snowing HEAVILY with VERY high winds! We all razzed him about saying the words after I had warned them not to earlier in the morning. We all had a good laugh!
These are things I’ve found that sometimes helps to get a Steelhead on!
1 – Saying, lets make a few more cast’s, then we will leave. Try casting into an area where you haven’t been in a while. If this one works, keep repeating it until it doesn’t work anymore. (Works 20% of the time).
2 – Collapsing the net and putting it away in the drift boat. (Works 5% of the time).
3 – Using the rest room. (Works 10% of the time). If this one works, keep going to the bathroom!!! – har har.
4 – The Best, highest degree of a Steelhead on, is if I do all 3 of above. (I’ve done this countless times and it works 30% of the time. Try it!
5 – If you say something to your buddy and he hooks up a Steelhead. You repeat exactly what you said to him on his very next drift. This works, try it!
***All of the above actually does work! You are either resting your Steelhead. Or with a fish on, it stirs the pot (moves the fish around) and many times they bite better. And you thought I was joking?
Winter Salmon River Fly – Spin Fishing Tip for a Fly to try for Steelhead.
Matching the fly Hatch – One of mother natures many signature Salmon River fly – spin Steelhead fishing clues.
During the Winter time (normally) when ever it gets above freezing. Look at the banks of the Salmon River and try to imitate what fly you see crawling on the snow.
Here is a prime example.
I wonder what the Steelhead are eating?
I wonder what fly I should try?
Lil Winter Stone Flies on the snow.
Notice the very slender body, which is not like the normal stone flies you tie or fish?
Your normal Stone flies will work also, we have a LOT of them on the Salmon River. The Steelhead and Brown Trout love’m!
This is called (a family member of) a black stone fly. It’s probably the #1 fly imitation used by most experienced Salmon River fly – spin fishing anglers targeting Steelhead, and rightly so. Sometimes you will notice thousands upon thousands of these on the snow covered banks of the Salmon River. This aquatic insect is one of the most abundant. And is a primary source of food for the steelhead during the Winter time. There are also other insect’s in different stages of their lives that the Steelhead key in on.
That’s another Salmon River fly – spin fishing article.
FUN Salmon River Drift Boat Steelhead Fishing Story – You Never Know!
Sometimes finding a pod of steelhead is only a foot step down river. Or the next hole around the bend in the Salmon River. Well, today we took that one step. We fished that next hole around the bend on “The Salmon River where Memories are Made.”
“Fish ON” were the first words Al shouted after his first cast of the morning off the Salmon River drift boat. Then another and another. Long story short. Al by himself played with a BUNCH of Steelhead today and one small Brown Trout. We got lucky and found a pod of mostly dime bright Steelhead!
I kept complaining that I could not get any rest today! That every time I’d just get comfortable in my drift boat chair, I’d have to get up to net his next Steelhead. Darn, I hate when those Steelhead are stacked up like that. Can’t a fishing guide get any rest around here? I’m going where there are not so many Steelhead next time.
That annoying sound of the drag screaming all day long really started to bother me after awhile. To top it off, one of those steelhead splashed me and got my hair all wet!
Al told me he had been Steelhead fishing the Salmon River since 78. And that he had never – ever played with so many Steelhead in one day!
I explained to Al that Steelhead fishing was not supposed to be this easy. And for that reason, I thought that there were just too many Steelhead here. And we should take the drift boat someplace else. Someplace where there may or may not be any Steelhead and if so, maybe just 1 or 2. Someplace where we would really have to work hard for them, like we have been doing all week on the Salmon River.
Al agreed that “I should GO” and he would stay there and Steelhead fish.
Last time Al Steelhead fished with me he brought a note pad and pen. With the average being that most folks only retain 20-30% of what they hear or read. He wanted to make sure he did not forget a single Steelhead hold’n spot. Over the entire 3 miles of the Salmon River I stopped at and explained in great detail.
All was written down with a exciting, feverish, fishing exactness.
One of the highest compliment’s was paid to me by AL as he stated. Randy, you know that Salmon River spot you showed me by such a such a tree. You said stand here, cast there, the Steelhead lay there. And you can expect a Steelhead to bite. Anywhere from 10 to 25 feet off the bank in a 30 foot length?
I went back to that spot and every time I go there I get into some Steelhead.
One day alone I hit six steelhead in that one Salmon River spot. And I was the only one there. I’ve never seen a single drift boat or person stop and Steelhead fish it.
Al didn’t know this……. but that one lil (no name) spot. My guest’s went 21 days in a row hitting 1 to 5 Steelhead in it each day. And the same for the hole directly below it.
Salmon River NY Steelhead Fishing Guide’s job is his life. (About Randy Jones the Yankee Angler.)
by Morgan Lyle For The Daily Gazette.Reeeeeel hum-dinger of a Steelhead. Nice!
Want an idea of the demand for a good “Full-Time” steelhead and salmon fishing guide on the Salmon River?
“I have already had to start scheduling my days off. A year in advance, believe it or not” said Randy Jones, aka, “the Yankee Angler”. One of only a handful of “Full-Time” guides who take people Steelhead and Salmon fishing on the Salmon River NY. From the start of salmon season in September right through to the end of steelhead season in the spring.
There are good reasons to envy the lives of fishing guides. They make a living doing what the rest of us do for fun. Their workplace is a drift boat on a river, and their only boss is Mother Nature.
But most fishers also realize it can be a tough life. One that could burn a person out on fishing altogether. Jones used to work every weekend and holiday. Now, because his fishing guide business is so successful and popular. He takes those days off and only guides mid-week. He’s in bed every night at 8 and up every morning at 3.
All through the winter. Long before most people have clicked their remote car starters and sat down to a cup of coffee. He’s backing his drift boat trailer into the inky Salmon River in the frigid dawn. With anxious, bundled-up fishing client’s dreaming of leaping silver Steelhead.
Even at the slowest times of the year. Drift boat guide Randy Jones is competing with dozens or hundreds of fishing anglers for fish. Steelhead are tricky to find, difficult to fool and very challenging to land on the Salmon River.
When he’s not out with clients (some of whom have precious little fishing experience). He’s working on his fishing web site’s or lining up the speaking engagements at Trout Unlimited functions. And other gatherings that help promote his fishing guide business and keep his guide schedule full.
So it was nice to learn that the daily fishing guide grind hasn’t blunted Jones’ passion for the sport. When I asked him when would be a good time to get some pictures of him on the Salmon River. He said,”I’ve got a day off scheduled Wednesday. Let’s go out in the drift boat.”
Dime bright fresh Salmon River Silver Bullet Steelhead!
“It takes an enormous amount of time and energy,” he said. “But what originally got me into the sport as an angler is still there. The love of being outdoors, the excitement of the Steelhead and Salmon fight, the challenge of it all. Basically just having a love of the sport that I haven’t lost after 35 years. And sharing that passion with others who have the same Salmon and Steelhead fishing interest’s as I do.
Jones, 58, an Iowa native. Who lived and guided in Vermont and Cape Cod for 12 years before moving to Pulaski NY. May be one of the best-known of the hardy Salmon River fishing guide corps. Randy has 35 plus years of experience as a fishing guide. Which has helped him to acquire a vast and diverse Steelhead and Salmon fishing knowledge base. While he’s relaxed and good natured with his clients, as a good fishing guide should be. He is also very much a hard-nosed businessman. Always on the lookout for an advantage or a new way to promote his Salmon River guide service.
His Social Media sites offer expert Salmon and Steelhead fishing informative articles. Based on Jones’ years of daily guide experience on the Salmon River. About flies, spin fishing, fly fishing, float fishing, rigging, techniques, fishing habitats and finding fish.
As free as he is with general spin and fly fishing advice. Jones keeps things like Salmon River Steelhead and Salmon honey-holes. And productive bait, bead and fly-patterns secret, to be shared only with his fishing clients. He doesn’t waste a client’s time on a Salmon River hole that was pounded the day before. And he watches each cast carefully. To make sure the sport has covered a good fishing lie thoroughly before moving on.
Most of Jones’ clients seem to land Salmon and Steelhead. But of course, there is more value to fishing with a guide. Than simply being chauffeured to a good fishing spot on the Salmon River in a heated drift boat. You learn things it would have taken you years to learn by yourself. And you can come back confident and informed on your own.
What’s it like to be a Salmon and Steelhead Salmon River fishing guide?
“It can be a variety of different things. From total satisfaction that you’ve taken someone with lots of fishing experience to no fishing experience. And brought their fishing ability level up to meet their expectations or above. The same way a teacher would feel when their students get an A on a test. To the thrill and the excitement of the Salmon or Steelhead fight. The rewards of running a profitable fishing guide business. To sometimes the feeling of inadequacy when you have a slow fishing day on the Salmon River,” he said.
Jones can be reached at (315) 963 – 2065. Along with his own fishing guide business, he offers a referral service to 6 other local top fishing guides. That he keeps busy while taking his client over flow. The Schenectady Gazette.,Schenectady, NY. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.
Fishing Steelhead (avg. 8 to 12 lbs.) – (Nov. thru April.)
Our Steelhead are without a doubt. One of the hardest fighting and most acrobatic fish that swims in the Salmon River in Pulaski NY. Torpedo – Silver Bullet runs and changing direction in a blink of an eye. While taking your line 100 to 200 feet out in seconds. This well surely jump start your fishing heart!
Tarpon jumps, like a rocket ship 3-4 feet in the air. Somersaulting like a jugglers baton back to earths atmosphere before splash down. Sounding like a cinder block with water spraying 20 feet in all directions. Steelhead Tail Walks across the pool for 40 to 60 feet, will live in your Salmon River memory forever!
Salmon River Gift certificates are available for fishing.
Good for 1 – 2 people, complimentary day of Salmon River drift boat fishing, Spin or Fly.
Pick up a great fishing gift certificate for your fishing friend or fishing loved one (s).
You work hard so you deserve it right? Maybe a nice subtle hint to your loved one will plant the seed.
Salmon River Brown Trout and Steelhead Fishing Seasons.
Nov. Best – but also Year Round.
Brown Trout. They have entered the Salmon River to spawn in Nov. and will weight from 3-5 lbs. with some reaching 10 pounds!
October 20 – May 1.
Steelhead 8-15 lbs. The Fall Steelhead is without a doubt, one of the hardest fighting Fish that swims in the Salmon River. They’ll take most of your line out in seconds, then jump start your heart with tail walking antics that will live in your memory forever.
Winter Steelhead Fishing on the Salmon River.
This is one of my favorite fishing times of the year. With colder temperatures the crowds disappear. Steelhead continue to come into the Salmon River from the lake. A Winter Drift Boat trip aboard our heated Drift Boat is a great way to learn the Salmon River and experience it’s beauty.
The end of February, March and April are great Steelhead Fishing days as new Fish move into and out of the Salmon River on a daily basis. As the river temperatures rise, so does the aggressiveness of the Steelhead. Often, sight fishing is possible as they move into the shallows.
We can Spin or Fly Fish for Steelhead either by wading or using the Drift Boat.
I invite you to join me and enjoy what is an unquestionably one of the finest fresh water fisheries in the eastern United States.
Where is the BEST place to Fish on the Salmon River for Steelhead and Brown Trout? Enjoy my Expert YouTube Fishing Tutorial Video’s for your Guaranteed BEST fishing opportunities.
3 Basic fishing ways to locate and target Your Salmon River Steelhead.
1. When the Steelhead are running the Salmon River. Fish there “Temporary Transitional Resting Spots” as they make there way up the Salmon River. Otherwise, you are fishing to Steelhead that are not stopping, decreasing your odds greatly. Tutorial Video on Temporary Transitional Resting Spots.
2. Once the Steelhead stop running the Salmon River to hold during the middle of the day. – (From approx. 9:30am. to 5:30pm.) Fish these “Prime Transitional Holding Spots”.
Tutorial Video on Prime Transitional Holding Spots.
3. Once the Steelhead have stopped running the Salmon River. And have found a spot that satisfies all their survival instincts. Fish these “Prime Holding Spots” – (Pools). Normally, the most fish and they aren’t going anywhere soon. Tutorial Video on Prime Holding Spots – Pools.
4 Advanced fishing ways to locate and target Your Salmon River Steelhead.
Tutorial Video on EXPERT Fish Locating Habitat. – (These are areas I look for on the Salmon River when guiding folks like yourself.)
4. Find a spot that is a combination of all 1 thru 3. (Or, a spot that has all 3 in close proximity. So you can jump around according to what the Steelhead are telling you to do.)
5. Combine 1 thru 4 and find a spot above a looong stretch of rapids. The fish get tired after running these Salmon River rapids and will hold here for an extended period of time.
6. Include 1 thru 5 and make sure that your spot has 98% of the Steelhead in a transitional stage. Move into it. (Funnel or Pinch point in the river.)
7. My #1 Spot! Combine 1 thru 6 and pick a spot that compresses and or concentrates them. On a dime, like a sardine can, trash can lid or the size of a Volkswagen beetle or bus. This cuts down on all the guess work. And it allows to to present your offering to all the Steelhead on every drift.
8. The VERY BEST place to Steelhead fish? Is anywhere I’m not! yukyuk
By utilizing the above. You will have the most Steelhead in front of you for the greatest period of time. In a concentrated area offering you the greatest opportunity to present your offering to ALL of them. Fish ON and ON and ON! Now you know what “This Salmon River Guide” look’s for normally.
BONUS Pulaski NY Steelhead and Salmon Pictures and Videos.
Check out all the Monster fish you will catch up here!
#1 Place to fish for Steelhead in the Water Column on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY.
Trophy Steelhead Fishing Report of a fishing life-time.
I will remember this day for the rest of my life. It started out crisp and clear in the morning. As we started our Steelhead Fishing Trip down the Salmon River. My companions were Drift Boat Guide Randy Jones of Yankee Angler and my best friend Jim Ciantar.
We stopped at a couple of holes to fish but with little success, and I mean little. The second place we stopped Jim and I teamed up to take six fish ranging from 3-6 inches long. We all got a pretty good chuckle out of that. However it gave Randy an opportunity to work on our techniques. The proper cast and drift is crucial when Steelhead fishing the Salmon River.
Randy is one of the finest teachers I have come across. He has an uncommon blend of humor, patience and knowledge which is rare. He explained his tactics and why he uses them. Steelhead location and why they are there. Also seasonal changes regarding Steelhead location, all invaluable Salmon River fishing information.
The third spot we hit was awesome! Which by the way, Randy was rushing to because he knew some Steelhead were there. Within a couple of minutes after dropping the Drift Boat anchor. I hooked up with a real burner Steelhead, but lost him. The Fishing had been slow up to that point. But Jim and I managed to hook up five more Steelhead in the next couple of hours. We worked the hole from both sides in and out of the Drift Boat. All the while Randy was coaching us on how to properly fish the hole and where the Steelhead lay up.
Before we left that hole I managed to hook and land this 17.5 pound beautiful male steelhead. (Who will spend the rest of his days on my wall) It has taken me nine years and a lot of time and money to get that fish. My first good steelhead. Truly a fish of a lifetime. Jim also hooked a nice silver bullet Steelhead about 12 pounds but lost him at the net.
I have been fishing for a long time, for many different species from marlin to pan fish. In those years I have had some really great days. This certainly was one of the best. The combination of beautiful weather, great people, cooperative fish on a scenic river, well that is pretty hard to beat.
For those of you just getting started in salmon and steelhead fishing, do yourself a favor. Hire a Guide. It does not have to take nine years like it took me. I highly recommend Randy, he is a true professional and a real good guy. Ron and Jim
Ron, Congrats again on your Trophy Steelhead of a fishing life-time! Thanks for your many kind and generous words! My head almost didn’t fit thru the front door after that one.
Best Steelhead Fish’s, Randy
Something New for You. – NEW NY D.E.C. Regs. NOW in effect for Steelhead and Brown Trout fishing State Wide.
The new stream limit will be no more than one Steelhead with a minimum size of 25 inches and no more than one Brown Trout per person per day.
*Increasing the minimum size limit for rainbow trout/steelhead to 25 inches (it was 21 inches) to prolong high quality rainbow trout/steelhead fishing opportunities through the winter months on Lake Ontario tributaries.
*Decreasing the brown trout daily creel limit on Lake Ontario tributaries (excluding the Lower Niagara River) to one fish/day (down from three) to maintain high quality brown trout fishing opportunities from fall through the spring.
Thumbs up from this Fishing Guide with a Very Happy Salmon River Steelhead Guest.
The Steelhead fishing of your dreams…… ………… we’ll mak’m reeeeeeeeeeeeeel
The Salmon River, where Memories are Made!
Join me for a guided drift boat fishing trip on the World Renowned Salmon River in Pulaski NY for hard fighting Salmon or Steelhead during our Fall, Winter and Spring.
Enjoy learning Advanced fishing techniques and Exact fish habitats. I always enjoy sharing my wealth of knowledge with all my guest’s.
Salmon River Guide Rates for 1 person $350. Rates for 2 people $450.
Book Your Fishing Trip
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-315-963-2065 CLICK TO CALL
Trips are 8 hours from the time we meet – 2 person Max. on boat. – Please bring your own Lunch, Polarized Glass’s and Chest Waders. – Final payment preferred in cash. – Fishing License and Chest Waders required. – Please make your local lodging reservation A.S.A.P. – Spikes, Korkers, cleats or chains are ok in the Boat.
Reservation and Deposits – Your Reservation is confirmed upon receipt of a $150 Check deposit (per day). It MUST be received within 7 business days from time of Booking.
Check payable and Mailed too: – Randy Jones, 87 Clark Rd., Mexico, NY 13114. (Sorry, no credit cards excepted).
I’ll confirm receipt of Deposit with you by email.
Then 1 to 2 Months before your fishing trip, I’ll email you with meeting time and place. Usually Whitakers Sports Shop and Motel (Rt. 13 in Pulaski) in the dark.
Author Biography – Established in 1980.
Randy Jones has over 35 yrs. of Pro. Fishing Guide Experience. He is also the Owner, Author and Publisher of Salmon River Fishing Reports of A Salmon River Pulaski NY based Guide Service and Marketing Agency. Specializing in Expert Salmon and Steelhead fishing. Professional sales and marketing of his vastly successful Salmon River fishing guide business and local fishery. S.E.O. and Social Media. Randy Jones, 87 Clark Rd., Mexico, NY 13114.
Google My Business.
Distributed World Wide Books: Simon Gawesworth, Spey Casting, First and also Second Editions. Rich Murphy, Fly Fishing for Striped Bass.
Covers, feature articles and guide profiles: Saltwater Fly Fishing Magazine, Fly Fishing in Saltwater Magazine, Albany, Syracuse, Utica and N.Y. Times Newspapers, N.Y. Sportsmen, N.Y. Fishing and Hunting and Salmon River Success Magazines.
Many World Wide Internet Fishing Sites and News Feeds.
Paid featured guest speaker at numerous Sports Shows, Fresh and Saltwater fishing.
Guest speaker at most Trout Unlimited Chapters, fly tying, tackle and Orvis shops around New England and beyond.
Represented the Orvis Corporation as a guide and chief instructor of their 2 1/2 day Cape Cod Saltwater Fly fishing Schools.
(P.S. I don’t discriminate. I also enjoy guiding you spin anglers too! – yukyuk)
Catch MORE FISH!!!