Spring Steelhead Fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY.
Spring is one of the Best Times for Steelhead fishing Salmon River, Pulaski NY. Your Spring Salmon River Steelhead fishing RUNS are happening NOW in Pulaski NY. With Spring Steelhead making their Spawning runs up the Salmon River. Things are looking Good for your Spring Steelhead fishing trip.
Currently on the Salmon River we have 5% fresh Spring Steelhead running the River in Pulaski NY. 1% spawning Steelhead. 1% drop back Steelhead. And 93% older Fall and Winter Steelhead. The % of fresh Spring Steelhead, spawning Steelhead and Spring drop back Steelhead will increase from here on out.
Off the Drift Boat. Seeing a few early spawning steelhead. And catching some older steelhead, bright fresh Spring steelhead and some Drop Back steelhead.
With some fresh Spring steelhead running the River. We are visually seeing some of these Steelhead in their Prime Transitional Holding Spots. (HINT) Where they rest mid-day. (between 9:30am. and 5:30pm.). As we float by them in the drift boat.
We’ve had steelhead entering the Salmon River all Fall and Winter. With an increase of fresh Spring Steelhead from Jan. to present. Matter of fact, there are more Spring Steelhead entering the Salmon River now as I type this.
A continuation of the Spring Steelhead fishing Run will last thru March. With all of April being “Prime Time Spring” Drop Back Steelhead fishing. Add in ALL the steelhead that have been entering the Salmon River since Sept. and it’s going to be a good Spring!
Not many Steelhead anglers fishing now on the Salmon River. Great time to steelhead fish with lots of Steelhead fishing spots wide open in Pulaski NY.
More Snow has arrived! This will help prolong our Spring Salmon River NY Steelhead fishing season into April. By keeping the water higher and colder. To hopefully extend your Spring Steelhead fishing into late April, early May.
Most wade anglers are tangling with 1-2 steelhead. Sometimes more and sometimes less, as usual.
Most Drift Boat Guides are averaging 3 to 5 Steelhead. Sometimes more and sometimes less, as usual.
Today’s Salmon River Humor: Teach a Man to fish… and you can get ride of him for an entire weekend.
I got a fish’n pole for my wife…… Best trade I ever made.
100% of the Salmon River steelhead are feeling their biological clock ticking towards the Spring Spawn. Making the Steelhead behave a lil differently, depending on what Stage of the Spawn they are in.
Currently, you have Steelhead in ALL 3 stages of the spawn.
1. Pre-spawn steelhead.
2. Spawning steelhead.
3. Post Spawn Drop Back steelhead.
Each stage is unique and puts different requirements on the Steelhead and causes the angler to adjust, in my opinion.
Spring Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River NY is Superb. You will have Spring Steelhead fishing from the Lower Salmon River to the Upper Salmon River NY thru April. Along with better than normal #’s of Brown Trout.
Catch more Spring Steelhead when your fishing Pulaski NY. When your Steelhead fishing in the Spring in Pulaski NY. It’s a Great time to Steelhead fish anything egg related.
Drop Back Spring Steelhead will sit directly behind spawning Steelhead to eat their eggs. Or sit behind the first current break directly below these spawning steelhead. To feed on any Steelhead eggs that float by them.
The entire Salmon River becomes a smorgasbord of an “All You Can Eat Egg Buffet” from spawning Steelhead. And its the easiest food for the drop back Steelhead to get, with lil to no energy expended.
April is one of the Best Times to go Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River NY. During the April Salmon River Steelhead fishing season. The April Steelhead spawning urges will take over on the river. And move the Steelhead to the Salmon River gravel. Once they finish spawning, they will turn into Hungry Post Spawn – drop back steelhead. When your Steelhead fishing in April. These are some of the easiest to catch Steelhead all season.
When our Local Creeks and Streams are running high due to snow and rain run-off in the Spring. These will provide you with optional Spring Steelhead fishing waters.
There really is no bad place to fish, providing you have the correct habitat – current breaks for this water flow, water temp. and the stage of life the Steelhead are in. (Pre-spawn – Spawn and Post Spawn Drop Backs).
Give your favorite fishing buddy or guide a ring. The steelhead (8 to 12 lb. avg.) are here and just waiting for you.
Sharing my 35 yrs. Total of guiding EXP. with you has been a pleasure! It’s Time to Get Yer FISH ON!
Spring Steelhead Fishing you Success! Salmon River Pulaski NY Guide Randy Jones of Yankeeangler.com from the Salmon River Drift Boat.
Spring Steelhead Guarantee, March and April Steelhead fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY.
March and April are great Spring Steelhead Fishing days on the Salmon River NY. With fresh Spring steelhead fishing runs in Pulaski NY. Their biological clock is telling them its time to re-produce. Causing fresh Spring steelhead to enter, run and spread out over the entire Salmon River.
Most of the Older and Spring Steelhead will remain in the Salmon River fishing Pools thru March in Pulaski NY. As the Spring Salmon River water temperatures rises, so does the aggressiveness of the Steelhead.
All Salmon River NY Spring Steelhead fishing methods will work. Whether your Steelhead float fishing, spin fishing, fly fishing or spey fishing in Pulaski NY.
Pre-Spawn Spring Steelhead fishing. Why is this important to you as a Salmon River angler? Spring Steelhead will be Pairing up in the Pools to prepare to spawn in Pulaski NY. Almost every female steelhead in the Salmon River will have 1 to 5 males in very close proximity or no more than 6 feet away. Often at this time of the year when you are blind casting, you will tie into 1 steelhead. There will often be a second or a third Steelhead in the exact same spot.
So normally where there is one steelhead, there is often another one or two. So cover your water thoroughly to increase your odds.
This tip comes with a $ back guarantee! My guest’s and myself have all bought that T shirt. It happens more than you would think!
Did you Know this about our Spring Female Steelhead? By Catch and Releasing a Spring female Steelhead back into the Salmon River pool, you can usually keep on catching the Males. If you keep the female or fight her way down stream. All those males have no reason to hang around any longer and they will leave, looking for another mate. This leaves you with no more steelhead to catch.
Just like reeeel life, that female is the bait and is the only reason those buck’s are hanging around.
It’s similar to “last call” at the bar. Once the last girl leaves, you know longer have a reason to hang around. yukyuk
Spring Steelhead Spreading out as the Entire Salmon River comes Alive. With Spring Pre-Spawn Steelhead, Spawning Steelhead and Drop Back Steelhead in Pulaski NY.
What’s interesting about the Salmon River at this time of year. The Steelhead will spread out over 100% of the Salmon River Spring habitat’s, that directly relate to current breaks. From the runs, channels, shallows, edges of the pools to the pools themselves.
You’ll find Spring Steelhead from the Top of the Salmon River to the Bottom. And from one side of the Salmon River to the other, within reason. These are the Salad days!
April Sight fishing Steelhead in the Spring is an optional Salmon River treat. For Spring Drop Back Steelhead, April is the Best Time for fishing on the Salmon River NY.
Your Best Salmon River NY Steelhead fishing is all Spring thru the end of April. In early May, fish the lower Salmon River for your best Spring Steelhead fishing.
Mother nature will decide our Salmon River Spring Steelhead season ending. With lower water flows and warmer water temp’s in the Salmon River.
Sending all the Steelhead back to Lake Ontario to return next year even BIGGER to the Salmon River! Ye-Haa!
April fishing for Spring Steelhead Drop Backs on the Salmon River NY.
After the Salmon River NY fish Hatchery collects the eggs from returning Spring Steelhead in April. Around April 10 they will release 1,000’s of these Spring Steelhead from the Salmon River NY fish Hatchery. They will then re-enter back into the Salmon River and turn into drop back Steelhead. Adding even more Spring Steelhead for your fishing pleasure.
Spring Steelhead Fishing you success! Salmon River Pulaski NY guide, Randy Jones.
Humorous Guide Fish Tails.
Jim was very excited to go King Salmon fly fishing today on the Salmon River.
He had been out celebrating the night before in anticipation of a great day of Salmon fly fishing. As we walked to the hopeful Salmon River honey hole. He told me he had tied on a brand new fly line late last night. And was interested to see how it performed. It cost him $69.
Shortly there after Jim was tight to a fresh run “honka” of a 30 lb. silver Salmon River King Salmon. As the King Salmon ran, he pulled with all his might. The fly rod was almost doubled over. When all of a sudden his backing knot separated from his brand new $69 fly line. “King Salmon attached to fly line” were last seen headed down the Salmon River at a fast rate of speed. I asked Jim what knot he had used to tie his fly line on with. And basically got a blank stare in return. His blood shot eyes and late night partying told me everything I needed to know. At days end I gave Jim a knot tying demonstration.
Moral of the story? Wait until you’ve HAD a good day of salmon fishing, before going out to celebrate it.
Funny Story with 20 Steelhead in the Hole. – Never limit yourself by limiting your options.
I was guiding a fly fishing angler one day, with 20 steelhead in a hole. No luck, politely suggested a blue egg sack, he politely said no.
After an hour of no luck, with 20 steelhead in the hole, I politely suggested an egg sack again, he finally “half heartedly” agreed.
On his first cast, FISH ON! We laughed our arses off after that one! Never limit yourself by limiting your options. Ye-Haa!
The Life of a Salmon River Drift Boat Steelhead Fishing Guide.
Tim and Gert had a number of fishing goals for the day. Besides the usual Salmon River fishing, drift boat and trying to hook into a few steelhead. They also wanted to spend a little time driving around and look at some of the local streams and creeks that hold steelhead. We visited about 7 different bodies of water which probably gave both of them a lifetime of additional area’s to steelhead fish.
The last 1/2 of the day sort of went like this while fishing off the Drift Boat.
Do you see those tree’s and bushes on the bank?
Yes, Randy.
Those tree’s and bush’s are not going to move all morning. They wont jump out at you, I promise. So please don’t throw into them.
Ok, Randy.
Now, land it just short of those tree’s and bush’s.
Ok Randy.
Hey Gert, what are you doing stuck in all those tree’s I told you about? Hey Tim, what are doing stuck in all those bush’s I told you about?
Why me lord.
I need a day off BAD!
We had a lot of laughs today. I got a big kick out of the fact that in a half a day of steelhead fishing on the Salmon River off the drift boat we tied into 9 steelhead. The other big kicker was out of the 4 Salmon River spots we fished, we hit steelhead in every hole. We went 100% on all spots! Ye-Haaaa!
Both of my guest’s were some what new to the Salmon River.
Carl explained to me that after hooking up several steelhead in several different locations today that he now had the “Confidence” to fish the Salmon River on his own. I agreed and said that “Knowledge” is truly the only thing a Professional “full-time” guide can really ever guarantee. And with this knowledge of habitat, rigging, flies, bait, presentation comes confidence. With out saying it, Carl had just paid me one of the highest compliments a guide could ever ask for.
Paul on the other hand was an entirely different story. (Ahemmmm) After spending the morning talking and talking and then talking some more about “How To Run A Proper 100% Drift” with your Rod Tip held high. We moved to another location. I watched Paul cast and hold his rod tip a few inch’s above the water’s level on his drift. I jokingly asked Paul if he had been listening to me at all during the morning or had he forgotten the hours of conversations we had had on drift fishing. His explanation was pretty weak and he mentioned something about “Old Dogs”.
The first thing I “politely” mentioned was that in a 8 hour day of steelhead fishing. If you only are fishing 50% of your drift with your rod tip held low. Then that equates into only 4 hours of fishing. But, I would still be charging him for a full day. (har-har)
Anyway, after that I “politely” asked him to try running a drift with his rod tip high. This would give him more of a drag free drift, get his fly or bait to the bottom sooner, cut down on drag, give him a better feel for the bottom and also he would be able to detect the subtle biters. (Pauses and hesitations) Most folks that steelhead fish the Salmon River are all waiting for the BIG BANG, YA WHO. I explained that 10% of the anglers that catch 90% of the fish are always trying to detect the pauses and hesitations on the drift. And by holding you tip high on the drift it would enable you to feel those.
His response was “Tip Who?”
On Paul’s very next drift with his rod tip held high. It worked like a charm and soon after a bright fresh Steelhead came to Paul’s hand. – Ye-Haa!
I just looked in the mirror tonight and noticed a few more gray hairs. Be careful out there or YOU could be my next “Fish Tail”
I hope you all enjoyed my Humorous Fish Tails, which were written in Good Humor Fishing Fun!
Q and A: Spring Steelhead Fishing Salmon River Pulaski NY.
Q – Randy, with the lack of snow. Could it effect our Salmon River Spring Steelhead fishing season? Could it end the Spring Steelhead fishing season a month early in Pulaski NY?
A – Nope, not a month early, but maybe a week.
Lil early to forecast. We usually get hammered with snow in mid. to late Feb. and Mar. We are currently getting more snow on an almost daily basis. Building our snow base for this Spring. Presently, the snow we do have has a high water content in it to help prolong our Spring Steelhead fishing season.
Q – Randy, how long does it take the average Spring steelhead to drop back? Or Altmar fish hatchery drop back steelhead to make the trip down the Salmon River, back to Lake Ontario?
A – Warm water – faster. Cold water – slower. Its all water temp. related.
At approx. 55 degrees, you will start to see a mass exodus of steelhead down the Salmon River to Lake Ontario. (Some before this temp. range and some after).
If I was a hungry Spring drop back Steelhead and the water temp. was cold enough. And water flows were high enough for me to feel safe and comfortable.
I’d take my time and enjoy the orgy of Steelhead eggs for awhile! I wouldn’t pass up a smorgasbord of easy food on the way down the Salmon River.
Q – Randy, I’ve never heard of those Steelhead leaving the Altmar fish hatchery in the Spring. And swimming up the Salmon River, once they have been released after egg taking.
A – Sure, when they enter the Salmon River from the Altmar fish hatchery tank. And are hungry as hell, they get blasted in the face with food scent (steelhead eggs) coming from above. Why not swim up the Salmon River 30 feet or more for a fiesta of all you can eat buffet in the Upper Salmon River Fly Zone. – hint.
Some Steelhead ‘normally’ go up the Salmon River and hang around for awhile, while most start to drop back almost immediately.
Q – Randy, I’ll be fishing for Spring steelhead in late April or early May. Where do you think the best steelhead fishing on the Salmon River will be at?
A – If your steelhead fishing late April into early May. I’d recommend fishing the lower end of the Salmon River for the most opportunity. Anywhere from the Ball Park down thru the D.S.R. in the Larger Pools.
WHY? – The Salmon River is like a funnel in the Spring. ALL the 1,000’s of Mid. to Upper Salmon River – Hatchery – Upper fly zone Steelhead dropping down get more compressed in the lower Salmon River. Similar to the smallest part of the funnel. But, you can always find some Spring Steelhead anywhere from the Upper Salmon River to the bottom in late April.
I always tell Steelhead and Salmon anglers to fish the water they know the best.
Best Steelhead Fish’s, Randy Jones.
Life or Death. Understanding and Exploiting Salmon River Spring Steelhead fishing Current Breaks. To help you catch more fish.
One of the most important aspects of Habitat on the Salmon River, is to figure out the relationship between all of the different water levels and all of the individual and different current break’s. How each current break effect’s the water movement and then how the fish relate to each current break.
By having a clear and precise understanding of this, allows the knowledgeable angler to understand our Spring Steelhead survival instincts and then exploit them.
The reason a current break is so important to the fish. Is that it decreases the amount of energy they need to expend to maintain it’s position in the Salmon River, creek or stream. If the steelhead has to expend to much energy they will die. You can see how these current breaks can be the difference between life or death for a steelhead. And why it is critical for them to use them and for us the angler, to understand this relationship.
The small island you stand on to fish the hole in low water is now the current break for the steelhead in much higher water flows. The small boulder on the bottom of the Salmon River holds fish behind it in low water flows, but becomes useless during high water.
So the trick is to know when each spot (or part of the spot) is productive and only fish these target area’s during the correct water flow.
I hope you found my “Article” entertainingly informative or mildly educational. – May all Your door knobs smell of BIG Steelhead!
Where is the BEST place to Fish on the Salmon River for Steelhead and Brown Trout? Enjoy my Expert YouTube Fishing Tutorial Video’s for your Guaranteed BEST fishing opportunities.
3 Basic fishing ways to locate and target Your Salmon River Steelhead.
1. When the Steelhead are running the Salmon River. Fish there “Temporary Transitional Resting Spots” as they make there way up the Salmon River. Otherwise, you are fishing to Steelhead that are not stopping, decreasing your odds greatly. Tutorial Video on Temporary Transitional Resting Spots.
2. Once the Steelhead stop running the Salmon River to hold during the middle of the day. – (From approx. 9:30am. to 5:30pm.) Fish these “Prime Transitional Holding Spots”.
Tutorial Video on Prime Transitional Holding Spots.
3. Once the Steelhead have stopped running the Salmon River. And have found a spot that satisfies all their survival instincts. Fish these “Prime Holding Spots” – (Pools). Normally, the most fish and they aren’t going anywhere soon. Tutorial Video on Prime Holding Spots – Pools.
4 Advanced fishing ways to locate and target Your Salmon River Steelhead.
Tutorial Video on EXPERT Fish Locating Habitat. – (These are areas I look for on the Salmon River when guiding folks like yourself).
4. Find a spot that is a combination of all 1 thru 3. (Or, a spot that has all 3 in close proximity. So you can jump around according to what the Steelhead are telling you to do).
5. Combine 1 thru 4 and find a spot above a looong stretch of rapids. The fish get tired after running these Salmon River rapids and will hold here for an extended period of time.
6. Include 1 thru 5 and make sure that your spot has 98% of the Steelhead in a transitional stage. Move into it. (Funnel or Pinch point in the river).
7. My #1 Spot! Combine 1 thru 6 and pick a spot that compresses and or concentrates them. On a dime, like a sardine can, trash can lid or the size of a Volkswagen beetle or bus. This cuts down on all the guess work. And it allows to to present your offering to all the Steelhead on every drift.
8. The VERY BEST place to Steelhead fish? Is anywhere I’m not! yukyuk.
By utilizing the above. You will have the most Steelhead in front of you for the greatest period of time. In a concentrated area offering you the greatest opportunity to present your offering to ALL of them. Fish ON and ON and ON! Now you know what “This Salmon River Guide” look’s for normally.
BONUS Salmon River Pulaski NY Steelhead and Salmon Pictures and Videos.
Check out all the Monster fish you will catch up here!
#1 Place to fish for Steelhead in the Water Column on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY.
Salmon River Trophy SPRING Steelhead Fishing Testimonial:
HELLO RANDY I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for an incredible day of steelhead fishing. I have fished with you twice and I have hooked a good number steelhead. I know people who have been fishing the Salmon River for five years and haven’t hooked that many Steelhead. As I was driving home I was laughing, the Salmon River was at 1200cfs. The weather was bad, and the Steelhead fishing had been slow for five days. Still I had the best fishing day of my life!
As a registered Maine guide and a person who has fished all over the world. I have never met anyone who works as hard to get fish as you do. Anyone who is thinking about fishing the “Salmon River.” Should book a Drift Boat Guide trip with you. If the dates aren’t available they should change there plans to get an open date. Its the closest you can get to a sure thing in Steelhead fishing. Thanks again! I’ll see you next March and hope the Salmon River is high and the weather is bad. Capt. William Griffin.
Capt. Bill lands a Trophy 20 lb. Steelhead of a Fishing Life-Time! HOLY COW’A BUNG’A!!
Thumbs up from this Fishing Guide with a Very Happy Salmon River Steelhead Guest.
The Steelhead fishing of your dreams…… ………… we’ll mak’m reeeeeeeeeeeeeel
The Salmon River, where Memories are Made!
Join me for a guided drift boat fishing trip on the Salmon River in Pulaski NY for Salmon or Steelhead during the Fall, Winter or Spring.
Enjoy learning Advanced fishing techniques and Exact fish habitats. I always enjoy sharing my wealth of knowledge with all my guest’s.
Especially if you are planning a return trip on your own.
Randy Jones is a Pro. fishing guide w/35 yrs. Total EXP.
Salmon River Guide Steelhead Drift Boat Rates for 1 person $350. Rates for 2 people $450 total.
Included in Guide Rates – All Salmon River Steelhead Spin fishing, Float fishing and Fly fishing equipment, gear and tackle.
BOOK Your Steelhead Fishing Trip – With Additional Steelhead Booking Info.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-315-963-2065
Randy Jones, 87 Clark Rd., Mexico, NY 13114.
Trips are 8 hours from the time we meet. – 2 person Max. on boat. – Please bring your own Lunch and Polarized Glass’s. – Final payment preferred in cash. – Fishing License and Chest Waders required. – Please make your local lodging reservation A.S.A.P. – Spikes, Korkers, cleats or chains are ok in the Boat. Small coolers are ok, but not large.
Reservation and Deposits – Your Reservation is confirmed upon receipt of a $150 Check deposit (per day).
It MUST be received within 7 business days from time of Booking to Hold your date.
Check payable and Mailed too: – Randy Jones, 87 Clark Rd., Mexico, NY 13114. (Sorry, no credit cards excepted).
I’ll confirm receipt of Deposit with you by email.
Then 1 to 2 Months before your fishing trip, I’ll email you with meeting time and place. Usually Whitakers Sports Shop and Motel (Rt. 13 in Pulaski) in the dark.
Author Biography – Established in 1980.
Randy Jones has over 35 yrs. Total of Pro. Fishing Guide Experience. He is also the Owner, Author and Publisher of Salmon River Fishing Reports of YankeeAngler.com. A Salmon River Pulaski NY based Guide Service and Marketing Agency. Specializing in Expert Salmon and Steelhead fishing. Professional sales and marketing of his vastly successful Salmon River fishing guide business and local fishery. S.E.O. and Social Media. Randy Jones, 87 Clark Rd., Mexico, NY 13114.
Google My Business.
Distributed World Wide Books: Simon Gawesworth, Spey Casting, First and also Second Editions. Rich Murphy, Fly Fishing for Striped Bass.
Covers, feature articles and guide profiles: Saltwater Fly Fishing Magazine, Fly Fishing in Saltwater Magazine, Albany, Syracuse, Utica and N.Y. Times Newspapers, N.Y. Sportsmen, N.Y. Fishing and Hunting and Salmon River Success Magazines.
Many World Wide Internet Fishing Sites and News Feeds.
Paid featured guest speaker at numerous Sports Shows, Fresh and Saltwater fishing.
Guest speaker at most Trout Unlimited Chapters, fly tying, tackle and Orvis shops around New England and beyond.
Represented the Orvis Corporation as a guide and chief instructor of their 2 1/2 day Cape Cod Saltwater Fly fishing Schools.
(P.S. I don’t discriminate. I also enjoy guiding you spin anglers too! – yukyuk)